SharperVisitorLogs - Effective Visitor Management

Effective Visitor Management using SharperVisitorLogs®

  • Who visited one of our employees at 12:30pm on Sunday?
  • Which visitor badge number did s/he use? How long did s/he stay within the building?
  • Was s/he behind the incident that happened on Floor 7?
  • What is her/his name, nationality and age?
  • When is the peak time of our visitors?

In order to be able to answer any of the questions above, it is imperative to:

  1. Allow visitors to present common credentials during a visit. Examples of such common credentials in Kuwait are: Smart Civil ID, Passport and Driver's License
  2. Efficiently capture visitor data without causing delays at the gates and log them in a book.
  3. Assign a Visitor Badge number to the visitor and associate this number with the visit.
  4. When a visitor leaves, the process should be even easier to log the visitor out.
  5. Generate extensive reports about one or more visits.
In the absence of such a solution, we tried to use Excel to log our visitor details. This proved to be both time-consuming and error-prone. Our visitors began to complain of the unnecessary procedures, but we wanted a no-compromise solution. SharperVisitorLogs® came to our rescue.


SharperVisitorLogs® provides a lot of features and functionality. Here's a summary:

Feature Explanation
Automatic Visitor Data Capture
  • Automatically capture a visitor's name, date of birth, etc. directly from her/his Smart Civil ID, Passport or Kuwaiti Driver's License . Your Security staff only need to place the identity into a dedicated device.
  • Enter badge number and recipient details using auto-complete features.
Visitor Login
  • Login a visitor within seconds.
  • Time stamp of the visit is recorded automatically by the system.
Visitor Logout
  • Find the badge number in the list of Checked In Visitors.Click one button to check the visitor out.
  • Time stamp of checkout saved for later use.
  • Find everything you need about a visitor by specifying the date, time, identification number, etc.
  • Extensible reports that can be delivered automatically to concerned personnel.



Capability Technology
Operating System
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2016 or later on the server. We recommend Windows Server 2022
  • Microsoft Windows 10 or later
Data Platform Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition or later. We recommend SQL Server 2022 Enterprise
Middle Tier Application Server + Web Services
  • Windows Communications Foundation (WCF)
  • .Net Framework 4.5 or later.
Client Application
  • Smart Client .Net 4.5 or later
  • Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)

Shorter Wait Times

Your customers, patients and/or employees will spend less time waiting for you to process their data.

Data Accuracy

Information is guaranteed to be correct and authoritative, as it's provided by the Public Authority for Civil Information.

Data Consistency

Data is consistent across your systems. If a centralized Master Data is used, it is possible to feed it via this solution.

Reduced Data Entry Errors

Data entry clerks will have little to no editing to do to complete the data entry.

Extensible Reports

Create your own reports and deliver them to concerned personnel.

You are a Champion

You helped reduce operational costs and improve service levels while saving money. You are a champion.

SharperVisitorLogs® Customers