Payment Card Integration

Automatically capture data from Payment Cards

Payment Cards

If your organization ever deals with consumer payments, you have certainly faced one of the following problems:

  • Customers make payments using different service providers and cards issued by different banks.
  • Once a payment is complete, it is time-consuming and error-prone to enter the details of the card holder, card number, expiry date, etc.
  • Due to the above, you decide not to capture payment card details, leaving you with reconciliation nightmares in case of complaints.

Now, using SharperIntegration®, it is possible for any business to reduce time and effort required to enter payment card information into your systems. This reduces data entry errors and improves the quality of your service.

Our team can also assist in building an integration between your existing systems and the Payment Card Integration solution. Contact our team today for more details.

It required time and effort from our sales team to capture payment card details from our customers. In one of the situations, we had to reconcile our records for a whole week to determine that a salesperson had indeed made a mistake. This now takes only a few seconds thanks to SharperIntegration®


Support for major Payment Card Providers

SharperIntegration® can read from, but not limited to, the following providers:

  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • American Express
  • Diner's Club
  • Maestro
  • Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (SAMA)

Integrate with your existing systems

Integration Adapters make it possible to read data from Payment Cards and update records in a plethora of data sources, including but not limited to:

  • Relational Databases (SQL Server, Oracle, DB2, etc.)
  • Oracle Forms Applications
  • Web-based applications
  • Text formats (CSV, TXT, XML)
  • Office (Excel & Access)
  • SharePoint
  • Dynamics CRM
  • Dynamics AX

Adaptable Business Logic

Apply transformations and flexible business rules on the Payment Card data and push this data onto your platform of choice. Make changes to your business rules on-the-fly.

Extensible Platform

Our solution is extensible and provides standards-compliant APIs, If your systems do not provide an interface for other technologies to integrate with, our solution may be extended to support other mechanisms to integrate with your systems.


Requirement Description
Standards-Compliant Smart card Reader for each user Every user who needs to read information off the Payment Cards requires the presence of a smart card reader. These readers are commercially available. Scroll down for more.
User Training The only training necessary for your users is how to insert the Payment Card into the reader and how to ensure data is read properly.


Shorter Wait Times

Your customers, patients and/or employees will spend less time waiting for you to process their data.

Data Accuracy

Information is guaranteed to be correct and authoritative, as it's provided by the Public Authority for Civil Information.

Data Consistency

Data is consistent across your systems. If a centralized Master Data is used, it is possible to feed it via this solution.

Reduced Data Entry Errors

Data entry clerks will have little to no editing to do to complete the data entry.

Works on Multiple Platforms

Our solution works on Windows as well as Android devices.

Multiple Readers to Choose from

No matter what your needs are, we surely have a reader that meets your expectations.


ACS Reader

By Advanced Card Systems


  • USB 2.0 Interface
  • USB 3.0 Interface
  • MicroUSB Interface
  • Microsoft Windows
  • Android


ACS Reader

By Advanced Card Systems


  • USB 2.0 Interface
  • USB 3.0 Interface
  • USB-C Interface
  • Microsoft Windows
  • Android


ACS Reader

By Advanced Card Systems


  • USB 2.0 Interface
  • USB 3.0 Interface
  • USB-C Interface
  • Microsoft Windows
  • Android


ACS Reader

By Advanced Card Systems


  • USB 2.0 Interface
  • USB 3.0 Interface
  • USB-C Interface
  • Microsoft Windows
  • Android

* Above prices cover the readers only and are exclusive of per user License Fees. Manufacturer warranties apply.