Mohammad Ashraf

Mohammad Ashraf

Data & AI Specialist

Job Role


At Sharper Software Since


Years of IT Experience




Completed Projects

Mohammad Ashraf


Enthusiastic, self learner, and passionate Data Scientist eager to contribute to team success through hard work, attention to detail and excellent organizational skills. Clear understanding of Data Science and Data Analytics and training in most widely used software's. Motivated to learn, grow and excel in this field by staying up to date with new tools, methods and packages used in Data Science.


  1. Data Science
  2. Data Analytics
  3. Business Intelligence

Skills Assessment

Mohammad Ashraf's Skills Assessment

Here is a list of Mohammad Ashraf's Skills and her own assessment of his readiness.

Python 95%
Tableau 95%
SQL 95%
DAX 80%
M 83%
R 70%
C++ 67%
Power BI 90%
Microsoft Office 92%
Microsoft SharePoint 70%